Valentine's Day is for plant lovers, and what better way to celebrate than with one of these romantic plants? Give yourself a special treat, or share the plant love with someone special in your life! All of these plants will be available at our Valentine's Day Weekend Sale!
1. HEART LEAF FERN, Hemionitis arifolia
With dark green heart-shaped fronds this fern lives up to its name. These plants can be a bit high maintenance but do well in terrariums or under a cloche. If you can get the lighting and humidity right, you will be rewarded with an adorable plant full of love!
Sun Exposure: low-light
Soil Needs: fertile, moist, and humus rich
Water: keep moist but not wet
Humidity: high
Fertilizer: fertilize monthly during the growing season (dilute fertilizer by 1/2)
Care: difficult
2. HOYA KRIMSON QUEEN, Hoya carnosa 'Krimson Queen'
Featuring white to pink variegation on the outside of the leaves, this plant's new growth often emerges bright pink, with the occasional leaf entirely white. An easy-care houseplant that looks stunning climbing up something or trailing out of a plant hanger.
Sun Exposure: Bright, indirect light
Soil Needs: Well draining soil (ideally one amended with perlite or orchid bark)
Water: Allow soil to dry out almost completely
Humidity: Will grow more quickly in humidity over 60% but can tolerate less
Fertilizer: Spray with orchid fertilizer for best results
Care: Easy
3. ANTHURIUM PTERODACTYL, Anthurium clarinervium x 'Pterodactyl'
With stunning heart-shaped leaves this plant is a great way to say I love you! The thick dark green leaves have delicate white veins - this plant is sure to catch everyone's eye.
Sun Exposure: bright, indirect light
Soil Needs: well draining soil rich in organic matter and amended with perlite/orchid bark
Water: Allow the top 1 inch of soil to dry out before watering
Humidity: Requires high humidity. We recommend using a humidifier or pebble tray
Fertilizer: Fertilize regularly when actively growing
Care: Medium
4. STRING OF HEARTS, Ceropegia woodii
Also known as sweetheart vine, love will definitely be in the air with the beautiful trailing plant. With small heart shaped and lace pattern leaves, this and the variegated version pictured below are both very popular plants for Valentine’s Day. (Note, Painters' current availability is mostly smaller containers of these.)
Sun Exposure: LOTS of bright, indirect light (near a southern facing window is ideal)
Soil Needs: Well-drained cacti potting mixes amended with pumice or perlite
Water: Allow to dry out completely (these plants also benefit from bottom watering)
Humidity: Being a succulent, these plants do not require high humidity (40-50% is ideal)
Fertilizer: Fertilize regularly when actively growing with succulent food
Care: Medium
5. HOMALOMENA PURPLE SWORD, Apoballis acuminatissima 'Lavallaei'
A stunning harder-to-find plant that has beautiful green leaves with large silver streaking and purple undersides. This plant looks like a work of art and adds both color, dimension, and texture to a space. Plus the dark purple undersides of the leaves feel very royal!
Sun Exposure: bright, indirect light
Soil Needs: A well draining soil mix that retains moisture
Water: Consistently moist
Humidity: Would benefit from a pebble tray or humidifier
Fertilizer: Use an all-purpose liquid fertilizer diluted to half its recommended strength when actively growing
Care: Medium
6. STRING OF PEARLS, Senecio rowleyanus
Skip the jewelry and get your loved one the pearls they've been dreaming about! These plants thrive in bright sun, but be careful not to let them get sunburnt! In the right conditions these succulents bloom every winter, producing abundant puffy white flowers with a faint cinnamon scent.
Sun Exposure: LOTS of bright, indirect light (near a southern facing window is ideal)
Soil Needs: Well-drained cacti potting mixes amended with pumice or perlite
Water: Allow to dry out completely (observe the pearls - if wrinkling/shrinking, they're thirsty, but they can also swell and rupture if overwatered!)
Humidity: Being a succulent, these plants do not require high humidity (40-50% is ideal)
Fertilizer: Fertilize regularly when actively growing with succulent food
Care: Medium
7. HEART-LEAF PHILODENDRON, Philodendron hederaceum
The Heartleaf Philodendron, also known as the sweetheart plant, is well known for its beautiful heart-shaped glossy green leaves! With the association with romance, it’s a great Valentine’s Day gift for your loved one! The lemon lime variety of this plant also features the heart shaped leaves and will bring a bright pop of color to any indoor space.
Sun Exposure: Bright-medium, indirect light to part shade
Soil Needs: Well draining
Water: Water when the top 1-2" is dry
Humidity: Normal household humidity will suffice
Fertilizer: Fertilize 1-2 times a month during the spring/summer or when actively growing
Care: Easy
8. CYCLAMEN, Cyclamen persicum
Said to represent unconditional love, this beauty does double duty - not only are its leaves heart-shaped, but its rounded petals bring hearts to mind as well. As a houseplant, cyclamen grow to be about eight inches tall, are easy to care for, and bloom for weeks. When they start to drop leaves in warmer months, don't panic - they go through a dormant period in the heat of the summer but will return with the fall!
Sun Exposure: Bright, indirect light
Soil Needs: Well draining soil that is loamy and moist
Water: When actively growing/flowering, water when the top 1" is dry (bottom watering is recommended as getting water on the leaves can easily cause rot)
Humidity: High humidity is crucial, use a pebble tray or humidifier, especially in winter
Fertilizer: Feed with a diluted liquid low-nitrogen fertilizer every couple of weeks while in full leaf
Care: Medium
9. BIRD OF PARADISE, Strelitzia reginae
Birds of paradise are large, relatively easy to grow plants that lend a bold tropical flair to any indoor space. With proper care, a bird of paradise can grow to over six feet tall indoors, and if given the right conditions can produce beautiful, ornate flowers.
Sun Exposure: Bright, indirect light to full sun (though be sure to acclimate it slowly to prevent leaf burn)
Soil Needs: A rich, well-draining soil that still retains some moisture
Water: Keep the soil moist in spring and summer during the growing season, but allow the soil to dry between waterings in the dormant fall and winter months.
Humidity: Typical household humidity is sufficient
Fertilizer: Use an all-purpose liquid fertilizer diluted to half its recommended strength during the spring/summer
Care: Easy
10. RUBY RUBBER TREE, Ficus elastica 'Ruby'
The variegated leaves on this easy to care for ficus have a stunning pink tint. New leaves emerge in a bright pink/ruby color making this plant a true show stopper. The eponymous pinkish tint to the leaves of the Ruby will be most prominently visible if the plant is kept in adequate light.
Sun Exposure: Bright, indirect light (requires more light than the burgundy variety)
Soil Needs: Well draining soil
Water: Water when the top 2" are dry
Humidity: Typical household humidity
Fertilizer: Fertilize once a month in the spring/summer
Care: Easy
11. LACELEAF ANTHURIUM, Anthurium andraeanum
With stunning red and pink blooms that last for 2-3 months at a time, anthurium are very easy plants to care for. They don’t require much attention to look beautiful. Place your Anthurium in a bright room but not in direct sunlight.
Sun Exposure: Bright, indirect light
Soil Needs: well draining soil rich in organic matter and amended with perlite/orchid bark
Water: Water when the top 2 inches of soil are dry
Humidity: Flowering varieties can tolerate lower humidity than other anthuriums
Fertilizer: Fertilize once a month with 1/4 strength fertilizer
Care: Easy
12. SYNGONIUM RED HEART, Syngonium podophyllum ‘Red Heart'
With distinctive pink heart-shaped leaves, this plant is the perfect alternative to roses this Valentine’s day. As the plant matures it will begin to vine, which also makes this an ideal plant for a hanging basket or trellising.
Sun Exposure: Low to bright indirect light (more light will stimulate growth)
Soil Needs: Soil that is rich in nutrients and organic matter, but still has the ability to drain well
Water: Allow to dry out partially between waterings
Humidity: Average household humidity is sufficient
Fertilizer: Fertilize once a month during the spring/summer with 1/2 strength fertilizer
Care: Easy
13. PHILODENDRON FUZZY PETIOLE, Philodendron nangaritense
With heart-shaped leaves that emerge with a beautiful iridescent sheen, this is one of our new favorite houseplants. Like most philodendron, it is easy to care for and does well indoors!
Sun Exposure: bright, indirect light to part shade
Soil Needs: Well draining
Water: Water when the top 1-2" is dry
Humidity: Normal household humidity will suffice
Fertilizer: Fertilize 1-2 times a month during the spring/summer
Care: Easy
14. MONSTERA DELICIOSA, Monstera deliciosa
The gift that keeps on giving, Monstera deliciosa remain one of the most popular houseplants because they are easy to care for, do well in home environments, and there is nothing more exciting than watching a new leaf slowly emerge!
Sun Exposure: right-medium, indirect light to part shade
Soil Needs: Well draining
Water: Water when the top 1-2" is dry
Humidity: Normal household humidity will suffice
Fertilizer: Fertilize 1-2 times a month during the spring/summer
Care: Easy