The Cecropia Moth is perhaps one of the most visually magnificent of our native species,
but is not in fact a pollinator as the adults do not have mouthparts.
Next week is National Moth Week! This means folks from all over the world are participating in a global citizen science project, taking photos of moths they attract or find, and sharing their pictures with conservation organizations. Don't know how to attract moths via moth lights or baiting? Wondering why you should care? Find them fascinating and want to learn more? Join us at our first Moth Night at Painters Greenhouse! Friday July 26th 7:00pm - 11:00pm. Tickets are still available!
The Owen family has always been moth appreciators and are thrilled to see them getting more media exposure for their importance not only as bioindicators but as critical pollinators (see Brad's Pollinator Week blog). Moths account for over 90% of the Lepidoptera class (12,000 moth species versus 825 butterfly species in North America!), and we've learned that moths pollinate at a faster rate than day-flying insects. They also work harder to get to nectar, visiting many plants that day-flying pollinators ignore. In addition to pollinating lesser-visited plants, they also feed from many of the same species that butterflies, bees and other daytime pollinators visit; this overlap in pollination could be critical at a time when we are observing major declines in pollinator populations. When we consider the massive population of moths combined with their speedy pollination skills and diverse plant selection, that’s quite the argument for planting to attract and feed moths!
We often think of pollinator gardens as full of nectar-producing, colorful blooms covered in butterflies, bees, and other pollinating insects. But in order for pollinating insects to get to the life stage where they can do that essential job in our gardens and native habitats, they have to have something to eat when young! Host plants are those you plant for moths, butterflies, and other insect pollinators to lay their eggs on, and they then provide food for the larval/caterpillar life stage. Host plants are essential in supporting a diversity of moths and butterflies, and even indirectly, birds–a baby bird can eat over 500 caterpillars in one day. Conveniently, many host plants offer food for caterpillars as well as food for adult pollinators - in addition to providing beauty in your landscape.
It can sometimes be challenging as an environmentally conscientious gardener to be willing to share with wildlife and let go of a need for plant perfection. Many of us plant native berry and seed producing plants to support migrating birds, and we then have the dual benefit of providing them food as well as getting to enjoy birdwatching. When gardening to support moths, the reward is not as obvious - we rarely witness the adults feeding and pollinating under cover of darkness, and their young often leave their host plant's leaves full of holes (some thank you!). Rest assured that much of the hungry, hungry caterpillar damage is covered with new foliage after they've had their fill, and when you plant a full, diverse garden, you barely notice.
Please never spray your plants when you see them getting munched on - while it may sometimes be a Japanese Beetle or other invasive insect causing damage (look for pheromone traps for specific species), even organic-safe treatments will kill all insects feeding from the leaves and blooms - including the ones you are trying to attract! Holes in your native plant leaves is a good thing, it just takes some mental adjustment and acceptance of imperfection in our landscape.
The host plants that make the biggest impact are native trees, but many shrubs, grasses and perennials are also vital (and easier to fit in smaller yards). Note that if planting in the heat of summer (during Moth Week), you may want to wait on shrubs and trees till fall as they require more water and can therefore be more challenging to keep happy during times of drought or extreme heat.
Check out this list favorite native plants for supporting WNC moths, including both host plants and nectar-producing plants. For a much more extensive list of plants for moths, we highly recommend the book Gardening for Moths.
White or Red Oak, Quercus alba or Quercus rubra
Zone 4-8
50-80’ tall & wide
Full Sun
Dry to medium water, good drainage ideal but can handle a range of soils
Oaks are incredible host plants – providing food to over 550 species of moths and butterflies (including the below Rosy Maple)! Oaks provide beautiful fall color and serve as excellent shade trees once mature (which can take a bit, so be patient!). Acorns are an essential food for a variety of bird and mammal species.
The Rosy Maple Moth is an adorable, vibrantly colored favorite - look at that fuzzy head!
River Birch, Betula nigra
Zone 4-9
40-70’ tall & 40-60’ wide
Full sun to part shade
Medium to wet soil (great for rain gardens & streamline restoration)
River Birch hosts almost 320 species of moths and butterflies (including the infamous Luna Moth)! It grows relatively fast, so can be a faster way to add shade and height to your landscape. The attractive bark, growth habit, silvery leaves, and pretty blooms make it ornamental as well as beneficial.
The famous Luna Moth. Photo Credit: Painters staff member, Betsy
The Imperial Moth is a gorgeous, uniquely colored large moth!
Photo Credit: Painters staff member, Betsy
Witch Hazel, Hamamelis Vernalis or Hamamelis Virginiana
Zone 4-8
H vernalis = 6-10’ tall & 8-15’ wide, H virginiana = 15-20’ tall & wide
Full sun to part shade
Hamamelis vernalis likes moister soils (great for rain gardens), while Hamamelis virginiana prefers lightly moist but well drained soils
A great larval host plant as well as nectar source for over 60 species of moths (including the below Friendly Probole), Witch Hazel also serves as a nesting site and provides seed to several bird species. Various parts of the plant have been used for a range of medicinal purposes by Native Americans as well as modern commercial uses. It’s also beautiful – the yellow or orange, feathery, fragrant blooms cover the branches in late fall to early winter (Common Witch Hazel), or late winter to early spring (Ozark Witch Hazel & many cultivars).
The Friendly Probole is a dainty moth with lovely scalloped wings and detailed patterning.
Swamp Rose Mallow, Hibiscus moscheutos
Zone 5-9
3-7’ tall & 2-4’ wide
Full sun
Medium to wet soil (great for rain gardens)
Blooms July - September
This native hibiscus supports 28 species of moths and butterflies. Easy to grow in a range of soils as long as it isn’t allowed to dry out completely. Blooms best in full sun, featuring large showy flowers in shades of white to pink (and cultivars include blooms in rich reds, ombres and deeply contrasting throats). Blooms are also critical for bees, hummingbirds, orioles and more.
The Delightful Bird Dropping Moth definitely fits its name! Secretive & hard to spot, Rose Mallow is a host plant.
Pussy Willow, Salix discolor
Zone 4-8
Height 6-15’ & Spread 4-12’
Full sun to part shade
Medium to wet soils (great for rain gardens & streamline restoration)
Blooms March-April
Pussy Willow hosts 18 butterflies and moths. It’s also a lovely ornamental shrub, and can be pruned to more of a bushy shape if desired. The catkins, which look like fuzzy kitty toes and make cut flowers, produce an abundance of pollen appreciated by early foraging bees, lepidoptera and other pollinators, while the foliage creates a dense cover that serves as nesting sites for a variety of birds. Varied parts of the plant have been used for centuries for medicinal purposes as well as weaving and wickerwork.
An Io moth - famous for it's massive eyespots. Pussy Willow is one of its many host plants.
Buttonbush, Cephalanthus occidentalis
Zones 5-9
Height 5-12’ & 4-8’ spread
Full sun to part shade
Moist to fully wet soil
Blooms June
A Snowberry Clearwing Moth enjoying the nectar of the Buttonbush bloom.
Great for wet areas, placed prone to flooding, rain gardens etc. In June, they’re covered in spherical, fragrant white blooms resembling ornaments, which will be as covered with butterflies, hummingbirds, bees and other pollinators during daylight hours as they will be with moths at night. A fabulous ornamental for naturalizing, preventing erosion, or creating a rain garden , with many wildlife benefits. Buttonbush is a host plant to over 25 species of lepidoptera, including several sphinx moths.
The lovely Hydrangea Sphinx - Buttonbush is a host plant to it along with (gasp!) hydrangeas.
Photo credit: Moths of North Carolina
Highbush Blueberry, Vaccinium corymbosum
Zone 5-8
Height 6-12’ & spread 8-12’
Full sun to part shade
Consistently moist soil w/good drainage & acidic pH is ideal
Blooms May, Fruits Summer
Native highbush blueberries host 223 species of Lepidoptera (including beautiful, giant silk moths), and the nectar supports many bee species as well. The berries are critical food for native and migrating birds, bears, and mammals, and in our diet offer many medicinal benefits in addition to being delicious. Blueberries offer lovely blooms in spring and fall color in addition to the berries; they can be used as hedges or incorporated into an ornamental landscape for both beauty and ecological benefit.
The Polyphemus, a large, showy Silk Moth with giant eye spots to deter predators.
Blueberries are one of many of its host plants.
Joe Pye Weed, Eutrochium sp.
Zone 4-8
NATIVE perennial 4-7' tall, 3-4' wide
Full sun
Purply blooms summer to fall; thrives in moist, fertile soil, great height for wet spaces
Deer and rabbit resistant
Joe Pye is a host plant for more than forty species of moth and butterfly caterpillars, including the Clymene Moth, Three-lined Flower Moth, Ruby Tiger Moth, and the Great Tiger Moth. Just like any host plant, you can expect some leaf damage, but know that on healthy plants, the damage will soon be hidden by new foliage and you can feel great about the mature moth or butterfly that will be sipping on the nectar of the Joe Pye come late summer and fall! Joe Pye is also an excellent source of nectar for a huge diversity of pollinators - you can't have a butterfly and moth garden without Joe Pye!!
The Clymene Moth's austere black and white upper wings hide bright orange-yellow underwings.
Aromatic or Smooth Aster, Symphyotrichum oblongifolium
Zone 3-8
Height 1-3’ & spread 1-3’
Full sun to part shade
Dry to medium soil moisture
Blooms August – September
This aster is host to dozens of Lepidoptera as well as many bee species. Blooming in early fall, it is an important nectar source for a wide range of pollinators during a period when many other plants are fading. Aromatic aster is a tough native plant that can tolerate a range of conditions. It is often used in ornamental landscaping as a taller border and is a popular flower for wildlife habitat restoration. The lovely daisy-like blooms are a rich purple-blue, and the foliage is fragrant, making a great cut flower. If you want the wildlife benefits but a less rangy growth habit, there are many lovely nativars with more compact habits.
The Wavy Lined Emerald Moth - small, delicate, and stunning coloration. Asters are one of many host plants.
Showy Goldenrod (and most Solidago), Solidago speciosa
Zone 3-8
Height 2-3’ & spread 2-3
Dry to medium soil moisture
Blooms July – September
Goldenrod is a host plant to over 120 species of Lepidoptera, provides nectar to a range of pollinators including many long and short tongued bees, and the seeds are excellent food for a variety of songbirds. Like asters, it is commonly used in wildlife habitat restoration. Depending on the species, it may bloom anywhere from mid summer to mid fall, and will produce more blooms if deadheaded. The showy, gold blooms will attract and support butterflies galore as well as supporting many moths.
The False Crocus Geometer - a small, delicate moth with unique patterning. Goldenrod is one of several host plants.
Little Bluestem, Schizachyrium scoparium
Zone 3-9
Hieght 2-4’ and spread 1.5-2’
Full sun
Dry to medium soil moisture
Seed heads/blooms August – Winter
Up to 50 moth species will feed and house in Bluestem and other native prairie grasses. Very ornamental, with a variety of colors within one clump of grass and airy seed heads. A great medium to taller border. Good in rain gardens but can also be drought tolerant once established and overall tolerates a range of conditions. Great support for bees, pollinators and birds alike both providing food and housing.
The Large Yellow Underwing - very camouflaged until it flashes the bright mustard lower wings. Little Bluestem is a host plant to the yellow underwing as well as many skipper species (Fun fact: skippers are a sort of intermediate species between moths and butterflies).
Additional herbaceous perennials that also serve as great host or nectar plants include:
Bee Balm, Milkweed, Coreopsis, Mountain Mint, Helenium, Coral Honeysuckle, Ironweed, Sedum telephium, Northern Sea Oats, Rudbeckias & Echinaceas
Charismatic Megafauna Champions!
What's funny about moths is that many of the showiest adults are not pollinators (several pictured above don't have mouthparts) - we like to see this as nature's little lesson in seeing beyond beauty. Of course, even if the adult moths aren't pollinators, their caterpillar young are essential to the food web - one baby bird can eat upwards of 500 caterpillars a day!
Charismatic megafauna is a term used to describe animals that are deemed more attractive and appealing to the general public - they are often essential to conservation organizations when advertising and fundraising. For instance, the giant, fuzzy-headed, vibrantly orange Royal Walnut Moth (who isn't able to pollinate and is only interested in mating) is much more likely to garner interest than a small, grey-brown Grieving Woodling Moth (very sad that nobody knows how hard it pollinates!).
That said, we have to close with one of our favorite charismatic non-pollinating species - they can't help it they're beautiful!
The Hickory Horned Devil Caterpillar (Host plants include Ash, Walnut, Sumac, Sweetgum and Persimmon trees)
And the adult form - the Royal Walnut Moth (which has nonfunctioning mouthparts).
Photo credit: Painters staff member Betsy
Plant a diversity of host and nectar plants and you can attract and support a wide range of moths, including those that act as critical pollinators as well as those that act as food for other wildlife and food for our souls!
‘Gardening for Moths – A regional guide’. Jim McCormac & Chelsea Gottfried
‘Moths are more efficient pollinators than bees, shows new research’
‘Moths do the pollinator night shift – and they work harder than daytime insects’
‘How moths keep our world blooming, pollinating in the night’,as%20a%20natural%20biodiversity%20backup.