New This Week
July 28, 2023

Week of July 31st: Midsummer Night's Market Sneak Peak
Check out the beauties waiting for you
We can't wait for our Midsummer Night's Market - so many great vendors, delicious food, homemade drinks, and PLANTS! If you haven't already read about it, click here for details and to RSVP!
Betsy planned these massive flowering vines in porch pots - you have to see them in person to appreciate just how beautiful they are! We planted Moon Flowers, Hyacinth Beans and Scarlet Runner Beans, and they're just starting to bloom.
John has become the Lord of the Vines, trellising and untangling them twice a day - they grow like kudzu! Will be stunning by August 12th!
Enjoy this reel of Crystal strolling through the vines and houseplants
as she morphs into a fairy.

Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine

Moonflower Vine

Black Eyed Susan Vine

John in Vine Land
We've grown and ordered in some real beauties this summer! This is just a sneak peak at the hundreds of houseplant options we have in store for you.

A simply stunning selection of Alocasia

Pothos 'Manjula' (very limited)

Maranta 'Beauty Kim'

Philodendron 'Variegated Burle Marx'

Hoya 'Krohniana Black'

Hoyas galore

Beautiful assortment of Calathea

Philodendron gloriosum

Philodendron goeldii

Syngonium 'Milk Confetti'

Philodendron 'Prince of Orange'

Alocasia 'Metal Head'

Pregnant Onion

Dieffenbachia 'Sterling'

Ficus 'Shiveriana Moonshine'

Calathea 'Beauty Star'

Massive Philodendron 'Silver Sword' Poles

Philodendron 'Fuzzy Petiole'

Abutilon 'Lucky Lantern Tangerine' & 'Gold Dust'

Peace Lily 'Sensation'

Philodendron goeldii, Philodendron standleyana & more

Mounted Staghorns (+ art by Haw Creek Forge)

Kokodama Elephant Staghorn

Hardy Succulent Picture Frame

Cactus 'Fairy Castle'

Kalanchoe 'Fang'

Haworthia cooperi

Pickle Plant

'Dancing Bones' Cactus

Cliff Cotleydon

Pachyveria 'Little Jewel'

Lots of succulents!

Plus plenty of fun & beautiful garden art by the local Haw Creek Forge
We will have a select number of lovely baskets including Wandering Jewels, Spider Plants, Shade Combos, and Silver Falls (below), some gorgeous tropical hibiscus porch pots, and an assortment of mature, healthy herbs, ornamental peppers and select annuals.

Dichondra 'Silver Falls' Basket

Shade Combo Hanging Basket

Tropical Hibiscus Porch Pot

Lavender 'Super Blue'

Healthy, mature Largeleaf Basil & Rosemary 'Arp'

Ornamental Pepper 'Calico' (a bee magnet!)

Ornamental Pepper 'Acapulco Multicolor'

Ptilotus 'Joey'