New This Week
May 17, 2024

We are Growers!
Second Crops and New Batches of Special Items
"Grown Locally to Thrive Locally." These are not just pretty words.Â
We are growers! We have several talented team members engaged in plant propagation (varied techniques of cutting and sticking as well as sowing), a hardworking production team that plants year-long, and highly skilled growers and waterers who care for over a thousand types of plants spread over multiple greenhouses and outdoor growing areas (only a small area is watered by automatic sprinklers, all else is hand watered and managed). Â
At Painters, you might see signs like this:

because we use our retail space to grow as well as sell! (In addition to growing in other greenhouses past customer shopping areas). This means that plants are sometimes organized in ways that may not make immediate sense to the shopper as we have to prioritize ideal growing conditions over merchandising, but that’s why we have maps, signage, and helpful retail floor staff! Â
And while the crowds during big weekends like Herb Fest and Mother’s Day may make it feel like all the best plants must be gone, we grow successive plantings of many of our most popular crops, and continue to stock them to the retail floor as they mature. As of this week, we have new batches of many favorites, including some lovely native and pollinator plant options. We are always growing!! Come check it all out!
Southern Bush Honeysuckle
Japanese Kerria
All tree dogwoods, including Pagoda Dogwood
Dianthus 'Bath's Pink'
Abelia 'Kaleidoscope'*
(finally fully leafed out, lovely range of colors)
Smooth Hydrangeas: 'Invincebelle Wee White' and 'Invincebelle Ruby'*
White Fringetree*
Deciduous Azalea 'Gibraltar'*
Cardinal Flower Â
Great Blue LobeliaÂ
Green and Gold
(limited stock, and this one goes fast!)
Bee Balm: blue, purple or deep pink
Sweet Basil
(6" available now, and another batch of assorted 4" basil coming soon)
English Lavender
Red or Lilac Sweet Talk Cuphea -- Bat-Faced Cultivars
Sun Coleus: assorted colors
(one more batch of Fire Pinks available for those who couldn't get them this last week)
Kimberley Queen hanging baskets
Boston Fern hanging basketsÂ
*While we do propagate some shrubs at the greenhouse, we source the larger, slower-growing shrubs and trees from local wholesale nurseries and native plant growers within a day's drive. We do our best to purchase from WNC growers to ensure the plants have been raised in a similar climate and plant health isn't affected by long-distance shipping. And we have some beautiful, native shrubs arriving from our friends at Carolina Native Nursery next week!