New This Week
June 6, 2022

Trees of the Week
This week we will be highlighting a couple trees for anyone looking to add some shade to their yard.
Shade trees can help cool your home in summer, add value to your property, shelter for animals, and increase the overall health of your yard.
Northern Red Oak - Quercus rubra
(pictured above)
zones 3-8
Northern Red Oaks have been called "one of the handsomest, cleanest, and stateliest trees in North America" by naturalist Joseph S. Illick. This native, fast growing tree puts on an average of 24" of growth each year and can reach a height of 20' in just 10 years. Acorns first appear when the tree is approximately 25 years old, but aren't produced in abundance until it reaches 40-50 years. This Oak requires full sun and plenty of room to grow - it reaches 60-75' in height with a spread of 45' at maturity. N. Red Oaks tolerate air pollution, compacted, dry and acidic soil. The leaves are bristled at the ends of the lobes and turn a burgundy color in the fall. Its mature bark is heavily striped with ridges. This tree will serve your home and wildlife for generations!
Sun Valley Red Maple - Acer rubrum 'Sun Valley'
zones 4-8
This tree is a cultivar of the native red maple prized for its bright orangey-red fall color. Introduced by the U.S. National Arboretum, it was bred to be a male selection to eliminate fruit production (no helicopter seed here!). It is tolerant of a wide range of soils, but prefers moist, slightly acidic conditions. Sun Valley Maples grows fast, similar to the N. Red Oak, it reaches 21' in the first 10 years of growth and you can expect a mature height of 45-50' with a 35-40' spread. Late winter blooms dot the twigs with red as do the newly emerging leaves. Plant as a specimen tree for your lawn, but do note that the shallow root system can buckle sidewalks or driveways if planted too close.