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New This Week

October 10, 2022

Free Clippings of Wheat Celosia this Weekend

Keep an eye out for this plant when you visit this weekend and bring some hopeful seeds home with you for free!

Have you noticed the stunning purple plants that grace the top of the wall by our pottery? A variety of Wheat Celosia called 'Flamingo Purple' they are floriferous annuals that provide color and pollinator food each fall, then reseed themselves for the following year. One of our favorite fall traditions is to offer customers clippings of the beautiful blooms to take home so they can grow some themselves! You simply hang the blooms upside down to dry, then rub the blooms to loosen the seeds over areas you'd like to see them... typically the blooms are still in good shape and the color holds well as a dried flower as well! (We can't guarantee the blooms are far enough along for proper seed development, but you should be able to get some!)

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