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New This Week
May 30, 2023
Beautiful Ficus, Golden Pothos, & A Houseplant Delivery Later This Week
These GORGEOUS Ruby Rubber Trees are available now!
10" Burgundy Rubber Trees
New Selection of 2-3G Fiddle Leaf Figs
Gorgeous Ruby Rubber Trees
These 4'+ beauties are $48!
12" Golden Pothos Baskets
Hoya parasitica 'Black Margin'
4.5" $22
Begonia Soli-Mutata
4.5" $20
Ctenanthe setosa
4.5" $10
Neon Pothos Totem
10" $48
Golden Pothos Totem
10" $56
Monstera adansonii Totem
10" $65
Philodendron Silver Sword Totem
10" $92
We're also expecting a delivery of the following plants later this week!
Follow us on Facebook or Instagram for updates:
2" Haworthia Mix
2" Ficus triangularis
2" Micans
2" Assorted String Succulents
3" Assorted Echeveria
4" Zebra Basket Vine Basket
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